Course curriculum


    2. lesson 1 The Art Of Resilience – Introduction

    3. affirmation - I Conquer My Challenges

    4. affirmation - External Obstacles Are No Match For My Inner Strength

    5. lesson 2 Achieve Your Goals Regardless of Obstacles

    6. affirmation - Unleash Your Hidden Mental Strength

    7. lesson 3 Seven Common Obstacles to Your Goals and How to Navigate Them

    8. affirmation - Each Hurdle I Pass Makes Me Stronger

    9. lesson 4 Remove Fear and Eliminate Many of Your Challenges

    10. lesson 5 Direct Solutions: The Fastest Way to Resolve Challenges

    11. lesson 6 Get Your Creative Juices Flowing When You're Up Against a Wall

    12. affirmation - I Find Unique Ideas To Solve Challenges

    13. affirmation - Challenges Spark My Imagination

    14. lesson 7 Eight Proven Strategies That Help You Get Through Hopeless Situations

    15. affirmation - I Defy The Odds

    16. lesson 8 Believing in Yourself Through the Toughest Times

    17. affirmation - My Self Belief Overshadows The Doubts Of Others

    18. lesson 9 Overcoming Failures to Reach Success

    19. affirmation - I Get Up Quickly When I Fall

    20. affirmation - What Twinkies Can Teach About Resiliency

    21. lesson 10 Summary and Reflection

    22. How To Overcome Challenges Checklist

    23. affirmation - There Is Always A Way To Overcome My Obstacles

    24. Module 1 - Quiz | The Overwhelming Force Method to Handling Setbacks

    25. How To Rise Above Any Situation Gone Awry

    26. affirmation - I Arise From Darkness Like The Blooming Flowers Of Nature


    2. affirmation - I Am Naturally Motivated To Persevere

    3. lesson 11 How to Motivate Yourself to Do Great Things

    4. lesson 12 Achieve Greater Success With a Daily Self-Motivating Regimen

    5. lesson 13 Maintaining the Enthusiasm to Succeed Despite Struggles

    6. lesson 14 Summary and Reflection

    7. Module 2 - Quiz | The Mental Motivation Trick


    2. lesson 15 Grit versus Talent

    3. lesson 16 Persistence Pays: Learning to Finish What You Start

    4. lesson 17 Instead of Quitting, Try This!

    5. lesson 18 Summary and Reflection

    6. Module 3 – FINAL QUIZ | Learning to Persevere

    1. Project – Write Your Own Success Story – Description

    2. lesson 19 Writing Your Own Success Story – Part 1

    3. lesson 20 Writing Your Own Success Story – Part 2

    1. How-to-Write-Your-Own-Success-Story-Worksheet

    2. How-to-Write-Your-Own-Success-Story-Checklist

    3. affirmation - I Am Resilient And Resourceful

    4. affirmation - I Am Living My Dreams

    5. affirmation - I Am The Architect Of My Future

    6. affirmation - My Failures Are Just Stepping Stones To My Success

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content